This contrasts with Susi's enthusiasm for Princess Diana – Susi worships celebrity but then she meets one and fails to recognize him. Our ideas revolved around how celebrities are treated, along the lines of: what do we want to see of them, what do we see and what do the media allow us to see?

What sort of person is Susi?

Michael Grimm: Susi's a young woman who longs for a happy relationship with a man. But she doesn't work and this leads to her slipping into a relationship of dependency. And that means she's not really happy.

She's someone who wants a different life for herself ...

Michael Grimm: But at the same time she's not really willing to do anything about making this different life happen. It's a similar situation to Horst. He's got himself a low-paid job at the gym to try and escape from his circumstances, and she starts working at a cleaner's because she at last wants to start taking control of her life a little. With the money she earns she's trying to buy a feeling of independence.

So they both just want to get control over their lives and then suddenly find themselves involved in a turbulent affair of stolen bracelets and smuggled diamonds ...